
Playing For Change Argentina, Work In Progress

The Playing For Change Foundation has now its own branch in Argentina with a fantastic team of people committed to bring positive change through music education across the country.

Last November, the PFC band hit the road in Argentina and performed one of its most amazing shows, in Buenos Aires, in front of 8000 people. This concert was the result of the great work from our Argentinian team and also became the starting point of our educational work in Argentina.

In Patagonia, we partnered with the IUPA ( Instituto Universitario Patagónico de las Artes ) in order to create music workshops in the area as well as connexions with the PFC programs in Argentina and around the world. Our first music program in the country is also located in Patagonia, and despite a flood that destroyed part of our school a few months ago, we have carried out several workshops in the community: dance, traditional music, instrument making, Mapuche language as well as English classes. The idea is to be able to establish a program of consistent classes and workshops in 2017 and continue the work that has been done so far thanks to the hard work of the team in Argentina: Guillermo Schulmeier, Vanessa Ulloa, Jorge Amaolo to mention just a very few.

The second node of the PFCF work in Argentina is located in Diamante and coordinated by our friend Patrick Liotta who is putting together a music program in his hometown. Diamante is located 450km north of Buenos Aires and has a very rich musical heritage. We are looking forward to starting this new Music program and as we’re doing in Patagonia, use music as a tool for education as well as contributing to the preservation of the cultural heritage.

This Wednesday, PFC co-founder Mark Johnson will speak at the Sustainable Brand Conference in Buenos Aires. For more information check out the SB 16 website.

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